Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in Academia: A Discussion
Sarah James Sarah James

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in Academia: A Discussion

As part of our ongoing free Brown Bag Event series, ATG recently hosted a panel of Research Development professionals who work in the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging space to talk about how to better support DEIB initiatives across the Academy. As always, we recorded the discussion, but turned the recording off to encourage candor and transparency during the following Q&A.

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Quick Questions: Sandra Best Bailly
Jet LeBlanc Jet LeBlanc

Quick Questions: Sandra Best Bailly

Sandra Bailly, MSW, works with ATG as a coach and in leadership development on top of her work with Simmons University. She and Peg AtKisson met during coaching training. When Peg found out Sandra had transitioned into the academy from industry, she said, "So, the behaviors you see people get away with in academia that would never fly in the business world? That's not your imagination." Instant bond! Sandra's coaching role with ATG will be expanding in the near future, where she will lead cohorts of our 8-week research leadership programs.

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What Kind of Research Group Do You Want to Lead?
M. S. AtKisson M. S. AtKisson

What Kind of Research Group Do You Want to Lead?

In the coaching program for early faculty, we talk a bit about culture creation. Recently IDEO U's Creative Confidence podcast, The Future of Work is Hybrid, featured Sacha Connor, Founder and CEO of Virtual Work Insider. Connor summed it up beautifully. Culture creation comes down to three things: policy, marketplace, and narrative. Lab manuals, even if they include behavioral expectations for civility, authorship & not stealing your bench mate's reagents, are policy documents. Policy alone cannot create culture.

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Interview: ATG's Dr. Amanda Welch
Jet LeBlanc Jet LeBlanc

Interview: ATG's Dr. Amanda Welch

Jet LeBlanc met up with Dr. Welch to discuss her writing program and ask a few questions. Jet: I’m really curious about the manuscript writing program you’re doing. Can you tell us a little bit about what goes on in the workshop?

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Book Review: Agile Faculty
Jet LeBlanc Jet LeBlanc

Book Review: Agile Faculty

How can you find the best content for using Agile in the Academy with the least amount of searching? Where is the content designed especially for higher education? Rebecca Pope-Ruark’s 2017 book Agile Faculty hits the sweet spot.

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