Leadership Development


“All the training to do research, but nowhere did they teach me how to lead.”

— Research Leadership Development participant

Research Leadership Development Program

We help people develop the skills to lead their research enterprise and to “herd the lions” of collaborative teams. Our programs are purpose-built for the academy, evidence based, and focused on the skills for leading in research and scholarship.

All group programs meet for one hour over eight sessions. Individuals can experience the program in a one-on-one environment in eight sessions.

Early investigators

Designed to help early stage faculty understand the roles that a new investigator must play, and how to focus their time and talents to provide a solid base for long-term success. 

This eight-session program is available to individuals and can be coupled with the individual proposal development program.

Established investigators

Leaders of collaborative groups sit equal to their partners and yet are called upon to provide vision, direction, and day-to-day management. Communication and relationship skills are crucial to the success of a research center or collaborative group.

This group coaching program follows a curriculum of leadership development focused on skills and approaches that applicable regardless of formal position and highly useful for engaging in team science.


A four-month virtual course to develop intentional, inclusive, and integrated leaders.

  • Based on the literature and designed for the Academy

  • Context-based active learning

  • Accompanying workbook material

  • Two or more ATG facilitators with relevant expertise lead each of four virtual retreats

  • Interstitial work between retreats and discussions with colleagues in your cohort

  • Leadership capstone project

See more details on the retreats!

Leadership coaching

Our individual coaching programs help you identify key leadership behaviors and understand your roles and values in the context of the systems you inhabit, developing yourself as a leader. Individuals can engage with the Research Leadership Development curriculum or work in an individual programs tailored to your goals and needs. Our coaches have extensive training and experience.