Reseach Funding Brief Endorsement Endorsement List

Grant Proposal Training
The presenter was was very knowledgeable about the topic, and the personal stories helped in supporting the points that were made. Grant writing seems more manageable now based on the tips and guidance provided.
-Baylor University
Although I dreaded a full day dedicated to proposal writing, I found the discussion engaging enough that it didn't feel long-winded/tiring. Thank you!
-UC Irvine
Being new to Grant Writing this was extremely helpful. (The presenters) laid it out perfectly in an easy to understand format and getting the book was awesome. Thank you so very much.
-NEOMED (Northest Ohio Medical University)
I found this to be very well-designed and engaging. It's different from other grantwriting workshops I have attended. I learned things I didn't know. My attention was held for the entire four hours each day.
-Rowan University
Amazing event! This event was very informative and provided me with all of the correct contexts of what is necessary to succeed.
-University of Iowa
This was a wonderful experience, I was impressed how interactive it was despite being online.
-University of Iowa
As a clinical fellow I’m writing and had no prior experience/knowledge in the grant writing process and this workshop was a wonderful eye opener to a new comer. It was not too complex for a person like me who had no prior experience and I was able to follow along throughout the session. Great handouts! Loved it!
-University of New Hampshire
The speaker was very knowledgeable and articulate. She had strong presentation skills, was receptive of questions, and had relevant experience and advice. I'm pretty worn out from the number of online meetings/communications that I've been participating in but I was able to take useful information and new ideas from this presentation.
-Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Very engaging and knowledgeable presenter. Enjoyed the program and would recommend it to others. Outstanding program. This will make me better at writing, developing, and reviewing grant proposals.
University of New Hampshire
Proposal Development and Support
Proposal Development programs can follow a grant training seminar or be held independently.
I know as a regular reviewer of these [Specific Centers] and many other grants as well as a former council member, that we should follow ATG's advice very very closely.
-PI, NIH P50 application
I want to make sure that you know how grateful we are for your help. As I looked over the reviews you did for the Cores and Resources, I realized what a skill you have. You were able to keep what was good in the authors' attempts and push them in the direction they need to take. Are you sure you aren't a behavioral psychologist? I found your approach very motivating and the others did, too. On behalf of all those who have worked so hard on this project, thank you for your hard work.
-Professor, PI, state-wide consortium CTSA application resubmission
I regard your detailed and specific feedback on my [Specific Aims] as one of the best scientific events that happened to me in the last years.
-R1 State University
This is my first NSF proposal. So I really appreciate having you guide me through this process which would otherwise be extremely intimidating. I truly learned quite a lot about grant writing. Whenever I eventually succeed in securing a grant, I definitely have you to thank for it.
— Regional State University
It was funded by NIDRR (Dept of Ed) through their Field Initiated Competition. Your feedback really helped me to learn how to 'package' a grant. I re-read the proposal yesterday (to remind myself what we promised to do!) and thought, 'Wow, this is really well written - no wonder they funded it!
— Regional State University
This has been a fantastic opportunity and I would love to have more like this!
This program is not what I expected; it is so much better! The tools are incredibly valuable both in making an immediate impact in ongoing work and in planning more effectively for the future.
I thought this was a very useful course, and timely for me. I was able to implement several of the strategies immediately in my interactions with senior leadership in my college.
-2023 cohort participants
I enjoyed the training and believe that the trainer did a good job of facilitating discussion among the participants. She also seemed very natural (not staged or overly concerned with impression management), which made her personable and easy to talk with.
-2023 cohort participant