Support for High Value Proposals

Support for Large, High Value Proposals

ATG has extensive experience in complex proposals. Please ask for our full statement of work. Our approach includes inviting research development professionals from your institution onto our team, so they can learn from our methods.

Advance development. Before the proposal requirements can be addressed, there must be a clear vision. When there are competing priorities, we can help you find the through-line in a complex information field to allow you to create the teams that fit your strengths and your institutional priorities.

Proposal development

Proposals for large research centers or multi-investigator projects often have complex requirements. Many sections have more to do with management and integration than the research itself. We have extensive experience in creating and executing plans to respond to complex proposal solicitations. We can provide writing and editing services, especially for descriptions of core facilities and Administrative cores.

Comprehensive development

By combining advance development, leadership development and proposal development, we can support the creation of a team with shared goals and vision through to the submission of a highly competitive proposal. By including leadership development, we leave behind new capacity for the future.

Watch our Brown Bag video on Demystifying Complex Proposals