Our Team
ATG consultants have broad experience across many funders, bringing background and skills to help you succeed.
And, if we do not have the right team for your project, we'll refer you to the consultants we think will serve you better.
Our primary goal is your success.
Peg AtKisson
Founder / President
Amanda Welch
Director of Proposal Development Services | Consultant
Jet LeBlanc
Lead Coach | Team Development Consultant
Sydney Morris
Director of Business Operations | FourSight™ Consultant
Ashley Proctor
Consultant Support Manager | Client Engagement
Sandra Bailly
LEAD-in3 | Research Leadership Development Coach
Etta Ward
LEAD-in3 | Mentoring Training
Shani Feyen
LEAD-in3 | Curriculum Development Consultant
Bonus Team
Additional Presenters and Consultants